Tips To Stop Thieves From Tampering with Security Cameras

Tips To Stop Thieves From Tampering with Security Cameras

Surveillance systems are an integral part of giving yourself peace of mind and making sure that you and your loved ones are safe and protected throughout the year. But while the right security cameras are a key part of keeping your property safe,...Read More

10 Uses for Covert Video to Build Your Bottom Line

10 Uses for Covert Video to Build Your Bottom Line

It's a well known saying that only the dumb criminals in Greensboro, NC get caught - and statistics prove this out. According to data from the Department of Justice, less than 19% of thefts in Greensboro, NC ever result in an arrest. Many business...Read More

5 Tips to Reduce Employee Theft

5 Tips to Reduce Employee Theft

No business owner in Greensboro, NC would want to come across the possibility of his/her business property being stolen from by his/her employees. According to a survey by Jack L. Hayes International, thefts initiated by employees can be 5.5 times...Read More

Which Analog Camera Retrofit Solution Is Right for You?

Which Analog Camera Retrofit Solution Is Right for You?

Previously, offering video quality in Greensboro, NC was only possible with IP security cameras. Today, HD over coax has transformed surveillance options. HD over coax provides you the benefits of both the modern HD IP camera technologies and older...Read More

Lower Retail Theft Crimes By Simply Installing PVMs

Lower Retail Theft Crimes By Simply Installing PVMs

It is somehow not uncommon to read of incidences of retailers in Greensboro, NC falling victims to organized retail theft crimes. In fact, data from the National Retail Federation reported that close to 90% of retailers across the United States...Read More

Keeping Your Valuables Secure While Traveling

Keeping Your Valuables Secure While Traveling

How many times have you arrived at your destination only to find that not all of your valuables arrived with you?  There is always the chance that you forgot to pack something, but there is also a good chance that you were a victim of petty...Read More

10 Ways Your Business is Vulnerable to Theft

10 Ways Your Business is Vulnerable to Theft

Shoplifting and other forms of theft in Greensboro, NC are major business concern when the country is experiencing the best of economic times. In fact, studies show that the average small business can lose more than $50,000 every year due to theft....Read More

Be Safe Anywhere You Go with Portable Home Security Alarm Systems

Be Safe Anywhere You Go with Portable Home Security Alarm Systems

With the increasing number of theft cases and other crimes committed in the country, we must really make an extra effort to ensure the safety and security of our belongings and our loved ones. As much as possible, we must take all necessary...Read More

6 Tips to Prevent Employee Theft

6 Tips to Prevent Employee Theft

Did you know that an Employee is 15 times more likely to steal from you than a non-employee? According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce theft by employees cost American companies $20 billion to $40 billion a year, that's right, in just a single year!...Read More

How Safe Are Your Valuables?

How Safe Are Your Valuables?

When you think about your security in Greensboro, NC, what is the first thought that comes to mind? Chances are, you’re thinking about preventing intruders from getting inside. While that is a major security concern, it is not the only...Read More

Spring Cleaning Tips For A Safe Home

Spring Cleaning Tips For A Safe Home

Many people think of new beginnings as they welcome the spring season. Plants start to grow again, and flowers bloom. The weather is also nice. Springtime offers an inviting atmosphere. Another thing that people relate to this season is spring...Read More

Crime Prevention Tips For A Safer Community

Crime Prevention Tips For A Safer Community

Crime can happen anywhere. Sometimes, even neighborhoods that seem safe fall victim to crooks. The worries of communities rise even more in times of economic distress. Fortunately, there are preventative measures that residents of Greensboro, NC...Read More

How Much Do You Know About Burglaries?

How Much Do You Know About Burglaries?

There are few things more important in this world than keeping your Greensboro, NC home and family safe. One of the best ways to protect yourself from burglaries is to think like a burglar, and how do you think like a burglar? You get to know...Read More

A Smart Solution to Secure Your Home from Leaks

A Smart Solution to Secure Your Home from Leaks

Water leaks and water damage are both hefty expenses that homeowners don't want to have to deal with. So, while you evaluate the security of your home, you will want to also explore your options for water and leak detection as well to secure the...Read More

Could A Break-In Be In Your Future?

Could A Break-In Be In Your Future?

Most research points to the majority of home burglaries taking place between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm. That includes those that occur right here in Greensboro. Why? Well, people are less likely to be home during that period. Some folks are gone...Read More

Prevent Plant Risks With Physical Security Assets

Prevent Plant Risks With Physical Security Assets

There are many kinds of plants across the United States that Americans depend on for various things. For instance, power plants ensure that schools, homes, and offices in Greensboro, NC have electricity. Manufacturers in Greensboro, NC  provide...Read More