Pools are a wonderful feature for any home or community. They provide a place where people can gather and have fun. Sadly though, pools also provide several risks and dangers to guests and are very susceptible to criminal activity and vandalism....Read More
Hiring the right security company is an important step in protecting your home or business from security and safety threats, such as fires and intrusion. However, there are a number of security companies in Greensboro, NC. How do you know which one...Read More
Like many parks and public places in Greensboro, the area has been described as a quiet and peaceful area. It’s a place where citizens can go for a relaxing stroll or day out with the kids. Unfortunately, much of that could change. What Can...Read More
Did you know that the majority of burglars take one to eight minutes to enter your home and most go through the front door? Scary, isn’t it? So it stands to reason that one of the places that should be the most secure in your home would be the...Read More
You may be thinking you have little of value for a burglar to choose your Greensboro home to invade. However, the average burglar can get into your house in under three minutes and you might be surprised at what is on their wish list. Here are the...Read More
Security cameras have come a long way in the past few years. New cameras can be completely wireless, provide HD footage or better, switch to other visibility modes like low-light and infrared, and swivel around by remote control. New...Read More
Today’s businesses have to deal with a lot of complex security challenges. Technology has made everything faster and provided more tools to make businesses safe and efficient, but it’s also given burglars, corporate spies, hackers,...Read More
Businesses that suffer from fire damage may experience property loss, and across the country, that property loss accounted for millions of dollars. For a Greensboro small business just starting out, this can be devastating. Even larger businesses...Read More
A lot can happen to your home in Greensboro, NC while you’re away. Burglary is an obvious problem, but you can also face issues like leaky toilets, thieves who steal packages that arrive while you’re away, doors left ajar that let...Read More
Every day in the NC, homes get invaded at the rate of every 11 seconds. Chances are, if you are not careful and aware, your Greensboro home could become one of those statistics. There is nothing more violating that the thought that someone strange...Read More
Over one-third of NC residents have been victims of package theft. With the holiday season, these thefts are expected to increase. So now is the time to think about protecting your packages from criminals. Here are some things you can do to make...Read More
Security systems change over time. For one thing, the hardware and software you install at your Greensboro, NC location can age and become less effective. Your system can also become obsolete as newer and better features come out that do...Read More
Access control is a fancy term that includes locks, bars, doors, passwords, and other ways to prevent people from entering an area without permission. The way they get that permission is by having the right key, knowing the right passcode, or...Read More
With break-ins being a problem in this country, it is important that we do what we can to protect our home and our family. To do this, we need to have the right surveillance system and cameras in place to deter criminals and protect our property....Read More
When it comes to digital security, most of us lack the knowledge to prevent the possibility of some serious issues, such as loss of privacy, identity theft, and fraud. We are so careful with our computers due to the amount of information they hold....Read More